A software uses many programming logics that needs to be tested in using test cases. The sofwtare development cycle is incomplete with the testing phase. A software needs to pass this phase only then it can go further. In olden days people used to exceute the programs of the software using the test cases manually. This was time consuming and it cost huge amount of labour,incur extra cost in man power and also the efficiency was not so good. Human are bound to make mistakes and these mistakes can make great bug in your softwares.
Hence the most safest way to get the software tested us though automation testing. Using software automation testing we need very little human efforts and the testing is done very c\quicly if we compared to the manual approach.
Here are some importance of sofwtare automation testing
- Saves time
- Improve test coverage
- Increase ad-hoc and explanatory testing
- Reduced cost and maintainance